Asia — Missionaries of Africa


There are at present 3 Sectors in the Asia Sector. India, the Philippines and Vietnam.

1. India Sector – 1 community

There is 1 house of Formation in India in Bengaluru, Karnataka State is for those studying Philosophy and a pre-Philosophy house in Hosur, Tamil Nadu State.

There are 28 Indian confreres. 6 are working in India and 22 elsewhere.

Vocation enquiries should be addressed to: vocation promoter    Tel. +(91) 953 522 1025.

2. Philippines Sector – 2 communities

The community in Cebu is for candidates studying Philosophy. There is also a community in Davao (Parish work and Vocations Animation).

There are 7 Filipino confreres. 1 Filipino confrere is working in the Philippines and 7 elsewhere.

Vocations enquiries should addressed to: vocation promoter:

3. Vietnam Sector - 1 community

After several years of discernment, a community of 2 confreres has finally been established in Vietnam. There are as yet no Vietnamese students. One of the confreres was born in Vietnam but now has German citizenship.