West Africa
(Province d’Afrique Occidentale) consists of 6 French speaking countries in West Africa: Mauretania, Mali, Niger, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Togo. The Missionaries of Africa also worked for a time in Chad and Senegal but we no longer have any communities there. There are at present 121 confreres originating from this province (including 1 Chadian confrere).
After initial failures to get missionaries into West Africa from the North via the Sahara, the Missionaries had to wait until the way into the Interior was “opened up” by French military action from Senegal towards the East. The Spiritan Fathers had already set up missions a long time before on the coast and were slowly moving inland. The Missionaries of Africa were given a parish in the East of Senegal, whilst the Spiritans had a parish in the extreme West of Mali. The parishes were exchanged and the Missionaries of Africa continued East into Mali and South East to what would become Burkina Faso and then on to Ghana. Eventually the Missionaries moved into Niger, which was first evangelised by the Redemptorists and into Ivory Coast (which has very strong links with Burkina) and recently into Togo because new vocations have begun to blossom there for the Missionaries of Africa. The previous Bishop of Mauretania was a Spiritan. When a Missionary of Africa was appointed as the present Bishop, he took a community with him. Unlike other Provinces, the Missionaries of Africa Province of West Africa is divided into sectors which tend to follow geographical or linguistic lines rather than keeping to national boundaries. There are 4 Sectors - Bamako (Western Mali and Mauretania), Bobo-Dioulasso (Western Burkina and Ivory Coast), Niamey (Eastern Mali and Niger), and Ouagadougou (Eastern Burkina and Togo)
1. Burkina Faso – 8 communities
Until the 1970s the Missionaries of Africa formed 2 Regions in what is now Burkina Faso – East Volta (Moore-speaking) and West Volta (Dioula-speaking). Later these combined to form Burkina Faso. Now they are part of West African Province.
There are confreres working in 4 dioceses in Burkina Faso.
1 community in Banfora (Konangougou. Parish Ministry)
2 communities in Bobo-Dioulasso (Administration, Vocations, Parish Ministry, and a Noviciate)
1 community in Koudougou (Ministry, Media)
4 communities in Ouagadougou. Formation House (Philosophy), Provincial Administration, Parish Ministry, house for visitors). 1 confrere in Nouna (retired).
There are 86 Burkinabe confreres. 1 is working in Burkina Faso and 85 elsewhere.
2. Ivory Coast – 2 communities
There are confreres present in 2 dioceses in Ivory Coast
1 community in Abidjan (Formation House – Theology)
1 community in Korhogo (Parish Ministry)
There are 8 Ivoirian confreres, all are working outside Ivory Coast.
3. Mali – 8 communities
Many confreres working in the North of Mali were forced to withdraw further South because of Islamist and rebel activity.
There are confreres working in 4 dioceses in Mali.
4 communities in Bamako (Delegate Korofina, Dialogue IFIC Korofina, Parish Ministry Hamdallaye and Language Centre Falaje) + 1 confrere (Catechetical Centre Ntonimba)
2 communities in Kayes (Parish Ministry Nioro du Sahel and Sagabari)
1 community in Mopti ( Parish Ministry Bandiagara)
2 communities in Sikasso (Parish Ministry Dyou-Kadiolo and Senoufo Ministry Sikasso)
There are 11 Malian confreres. 1 is in Mali and 10 are elsewhere.
4. Mauritania – 2 communities
Church Personnel Mauritania
There is only one diocese in Mauretania
2 communities in Nouakchott (Bishop, Administration)
5. Niger – 3 communities
There are confreres working in 2 dioceses in Niger
2 communities in Maradi (Parish Ministry Birni N’Konni and Zinder)
1 community in Niamey (Parish Ministry)
6. Togo sector - 1 community
Atakpame (Parish Ministry, Vocations).
There are 15 Togolese confreres. All are outside Togo.