Pre-Capitular Meeting in Brussels 1.

Every 6 years the Missionaries of Africa meet in a Central Chapter to choose the General Council (Superior General and 4 Assistants) for the following 6 years. This Chapter also proposes the priorities to be taken by this General Council.

Each Province of the Society has preparatory meetings to discuss the local and general issues which confreres consider important enough to be discussed at the General Chapter. In a large Province like the European Province there is first of all a consultation in the various Sectors (in practice the different countries of Europe where there are Missionaries of Africa). At Sector level a report is produced and a delegate is chosen to represent the confreres at the Provincial (Pre-Capitular) meeting. The Superior of the Sector (Provincial Delegate) accompanies this representative to the Pre-Capitular Meeting (meeting to prepare the General Chapter at the Provincial level). The Pre-Capitular Meeting of the European Province was held in Brussels 13th - 16th September 2021 (although because of Covid restrictions some had to spend 9th - 17th on site. There were 21 representatives/superiors from 9 countries.