Vigil of Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation

In the early evening of Friday 4 February, the International Day of Human Fraternity, on the plaza in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral, Liverpool, there took place a Vigil of Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation between Russia and Ukraine and all other nations in conflict. A banner reminded people of these other countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Libya, Myanmar, Mozambique, Sudan. The vigil was organized by the Missionaries of Africa who are in charge of the parish of St Vincent de Paul, Liverpool. Fr Terry Madden, M.Afr., welcomed the group of between 70 and 80 people who had braved the cold and the rain to be present, including representatives of Pax Christi Liverpool. The following took an active part in the vigil: Sr Pennie MacInnes, Mrs Moira Potier, Ibrahim Syed (leader of the Merseyside Network of Mosques), Rev. Dr. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes (Anglican, Rector of St. Luke-in-the-City), Priyanka Mohta (Hindu), Rev. Taras Khomych (Ukranian Catholic Church), Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald, M.Afr. and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, O.P who gave the final blessing. Paul Glover led the singing and Barbara Tolmie sent the group on their way with a song for peace.